Category Archives: Autres langues

DBV-Technologies – working to make the world a better place for allergy sufferers!

The discreet viaskin patch could be a boon for many allergy sufferers

Whilst many medical conditions have become more easily treated over recent decades, allergies seem to have bucked this trend. Increasing numbers of people, especially in the Western world, suffer from one or more allergy, with the most common intolerances being towards pollen, house dust mites and certain foodstuffs, including cow’s milk, peanuts and various kinds of seafood. Read more »

Eden Luxury Homes – luxury vacation rentals with top-class concierge services to match!

Eden luxury homes specializes in catering to the needs of top-end holidaymakers who are looking for vacation rentals with that extra ‘je ne sais quoi’. The company prides itself on its exacting standards, with every rental being personally visited by a representative. In fact, only about 1 in 3 of the villas visited by the firm pass their stringent quality criteria. Read more »

The fight-back against allergies starts here – welcome to the world of the Viaskin® patch!

How the Viaskin® patch works

Although the modern world has made so many advances in the field of medicine, some of the ailments that afflict us are immensely persistent. At, you can find out more about one of the most stubborn medical issues known to man – allergies.

In its attempt to find an effective solution to the problem of allergies, DBV technologies has developed the Viaskin® patch, which you can see below. Read more »

Entdecken Sie wunderschöne skandinavische Möbel bei Produit Intérieur Brut…

Sie sind begeistert von skandinavischen Möbeln? Sie mögen ihre Robustheit, die Eleganz ihrer klaren Linien und ihre praktische Seite ? Sie schätzen das besondere Know-how der nordischen Handwerker und Designer, mit dem die verschiedenen Hölzer fachgerecht verarbeitet werden ? Ihre Liebe zu Naturfasern und Natur-Motiven, die dem Interieur eine warme Note verleihen ? Sie schätzen auch ihre Fachkenntnisse in Punkto Glas und Keramik ? Sie lieben die Kombination natürlicher Farben (das natürliche Grün der Pflanzen und Bäume, das ockerbraun der Erde, Kupfer- und Grautöne) ?

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